Explore all our videos

Follow the story of those who’ve been there

Elena describes why she’s worried about Manny.

Luis raises his concerns regarding firearm risk to address his friend Manny’s safety.

Barbara talks to her father-in-law about a scary situation with
her husband.

A firearm owner describes how two friends saved his life.

Mike agreed to let his father change the combination on his gun safe for now.

A Veteran calls her friend late at night and talks about suicide.

As his father ages, Mark realizes it’s time to have conversations about long-term planning.

Hear tips from experts

Kevin, a Veteran, father, and counselor, provides tips on how to start a family conversation about firearm safety.

Kevin shares a personal experience that shaped his approach to keeping his firearms secure at home.

Kevin, a Veteran, father, and counselor, speaks about how conversations about firearm safety may change over time.

Listen to Tom Brown, a tactical firearm instructor, talk about storage options for the home defense gun.

Kevin, a Veteran, father, and counselor, discusses safe storage options.

Additional videos from WAV

Worried about a Veteran? We get it, you’re not alone.

Learn more about “Carry the Round”

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